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热议关于中庸之道的SAT作文范文 详细说明
  SAT写作时间为25分钟,要求就作文命题中的一对对立论点阐述自己的观点,无字数限制。深圳启德教育为大家整理了一篇SAT写作范文,这篇获得高分的SAT写作考试范文的主要是关于中庸之道的,大家可以在备考自己的SAT写作考试的时候根据自己的实际情况,进行适当的准备和借鉴,以下就是关于中庸之道的SAT作文范文。   Is it better to select one of two polar opposites, or is the middle ground closer to the truth?   是在极端对立的二者中选其一好呢,还是中庸之道更接近真理?   Western modernity has predicated itself on a dichotomous thinking, the American philosopher William Spanos argues. This outlook, in which all things are reduced to black and white, two diametrically opposed positions, is wrong. I believe that rather than endorsing such extremes of opposition, one may get closer to the truth between two poles. The examples of dichotomous thinking in politics and an example in our own life will serve to illustrate my position.   Traditionally, Spanos argues, Euro-American thinking traces its roots back to Greco-Roman civilization. The Greek word for “truth” was not so much an objective reality in and of itself, but rather the absence of “untruth. ” The term “aleithos” was formed by the prefix “a,” lack of, and “leithos,” of falseness. From this kind of binary logic sprang fecundly a bevy of other thinkers, all whom utilized and endorsed this mindset. However, when such a totalizing view is plugged into the political machine,devastating results may occur. The black and white clear-cut-ness of reality is transformed into a terminal US-THEM dichotomy, in which “we” rally among a common goal and defend against the outside “them. ” This scapegoating effect was notably used in Nazi Germany by Adolf Hitler, who claimed the pureblood Aryan “We” had to purge the noxious, vile “Them” -Jews, gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals,etc. In such a case a more compromising solution would have been the better choice.   Another example in which totalizing mindsets have shut down possibilities and cooperation is in our own lives. Certain few Americans still hold the racist view that African-Americans are inferior, a legacy of America's history with slavery. Despite possessing politeness, intelligence and every pleasant characteristic, some African Americans are still judged solely by the color of their skin, treated badly or rejected for no other warrant. But such a binary view on things is wrong and not reflective of reality.   There is no one race that should automatically be valued above others. Here the truth lies in the middle ground-white or black, European-American or African-American, we are all okay. We should all accept and cooperate with one another and become good friends with each other.   Though true-false test questions only have one answer in a binary choice, reallife is not like that. We can all learn to seek truth by finding the less extreme choices in our lives, as supported by the political imPACts of dichotomy and our own lives.   深圳启德教育也为大家准备了关于中庸之道的SAT作文范文的翻译,帮助大家更好的理解吸收,希望大家取长补短,更轻松的攻克SAT写作。
  美国哲学家威廉·斯潘诺斯认为,西方的现代文明基于一种二元性的思维。这个观点将所有的事情简化为黑与白两个相反的对立状态,这是错误的。我认为不应该赞成如此极端的对立,相反,在两极之间人可能会更接近真理。我将用政治中二元性思维的例子和我们生活中的一个例子来说明我的主张。   斯潘诺斯认为,从传统的意义上看,欧美人的思维源于古希腊和罗马文明。希腊文中的“真理”二字并不是用来指客观事实的本身及其真实性,而是指缺乏“不真实”的状态。希腊词“aleithos(真理)”由前缀“a(缺乏)”加上“leithos(虚伪或不真实)”组成。另外一群思想家在这种二元逻辑的影响下如雨后春笋般涌现,他们都利用并赞成这种思维倾向。然而,当这样一种的观点与政治机器相接时,也许会出现毁灭性的结果。对事实非黑即白的截然划分被转化为终的我们和他们两大阵营。其中,在共同目标下集合起来的“我们”去抵御外部的“他们”。这个替罪羊式的二元思维曾被阿道夫·希特勒用于纳粹德国,他声称“我们”纯血统的雅利安人必须净化邪恶卑劣的“他们”,包括犹太人、吉普赛人、斯拉夫人、同性恋者等等。在这个事例中,一种更加妥协的解决之道会是较好的选择。   另外一个我们自己生活中的例子说明,化的思维方式关闭了机会和合作的大门。美国历史上曾经允许蓄奴,作为它所遗留下的产物,个别的美国人依然抱着种族主义的观点,认为非洲裔的美国人是下等民族。尽管一些非洲裔的美国人有礼貌,聪明,具备每一个可爱的优点,却仍然被以肤色作为判断的罕有的标准,受到刁难,或在毫无正当理由的情况下被抵制。显然,采用如此二元论的观点去看待事物是错误的,因为它不能反映真实的情况。没有任何一个种族会天生比其他民族更优越。   在这里,真理存在于两者之间-白人和黑人,欧洲裔的美国人和非洲裔的美国人,大家都很棒。我们应该彼此接受,通力合作,并互相成为好朋友。   尽管判断正误题在两种选择中只有一个答案,然而我们的现实生活却不是那样的。我们都能够学会在生活中作出不那么偏激的选择,从而探寻到真理,正如上述二元论对政治的影响和我们生活中的例子所证明的一样。
  以上就是关于中庸之道的SAT作文范文,深圳启德教育邀您一起来看看关于本篇文章考官的评价吧。   [Grade: 6/6]Instruction's Comments:

  Instruction's Comments:I was left with the impression that you were a writer who possessed a rich vocabulary, a strong sense of the language, and the confidence to make distinct stylistic choices. For these reasons alone, I give you a six.   Were this an essay that you had turned in to me, I would nitpick. I would tell you to watch out that you don't get too fancy in your word choice (for example, your metaphorical use of “sparks” is questionable, and I'm not sure if “fecundly” is a word) . But this essay was written in 25 minutes, and graders understand that, and considering this time limit what you've turned in is amazing.   Instead of giving a formal critique of your essay, I want to emphasize the fact that what you turn in on the standardized test essay is meant to be a rough draft. Graders understand the limited time in which you have to write. A test-taker should not sacrifice stylistic choices or ambitious diction in order to be error free. An essay that demonstrates that the writer is capable of comPETent, interesting, and insightful commentary on a subject will, as far as I've seen, be allowed small errors.   得分:6/6辅导老师评语:   这篇文章给我留下的印象是你的词汇量很大,语感很强,而且对不同文风的写作有自信。鉴于此,我给你打满分。   假若这篇作文是要交给我批改的话,我会在里边挑毛病。我会告诉你注意在用词上不要过于花哨,比如,你对“spark(火花)”的隐喻用法便值得商榷,再如,我不能断定是否有“fecundly”这个单词。不过写这篇作文只用了25分钟,标准考试的作文阅卷者明白这点,考虑到这样的时间限制,你交上来的这篇作文真是让人吃惊。   与其对你的这篇作文进行正式的评论,我更想强调一个事实,那就是你在参加标准考试时交上的作文其实是一篇粗糙的草稿。阅卷者知道你是在限定的时间内写作。应试者不应当牺牲文体文风的设计或者放弃刻意雕饰的措辞,而一味追求不犯一点错误。就我目前所知,高考作文重在展示作者能胜任写作,文笔有趣,对一个题目具有深刻见解和评论,一些小毛病是可以容许的。   我想我要说的是:你应当始终从阅卷老的角度来思考你的文章。阅卷者遵循一套阅卷的标准,你不该给他们任何扣分的理由。
  总之,你做得不错,值得骄傲。   以上就是关于中庸之道的SAT作文范文的翻译,深圳启德教育小编提醒您SAT写作考试的时间短,但是要求却很严,大家在备考SAT写作考试的时候,大家可以根据自己的实际情况,对范文的语言应用和例子的选择进行不同程度的准备,以便丰富自己的备考内容,对考试有更加全面的应对。

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