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最后更新: 2022-06-18 23:12
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终于明了关于太空研究的托福作文范文 详细说明

 It is human nature that leads people in the voyage of learning. Withinonly fifty years humankind has dramatically pushed the boundaries orfrontiers of all have to take tolls. Hence comes theargument that outer sPACe research is a waste of a massive sum of moneyand resources (human resources included). I, however, hold an entirelydifferent opinion for good reasons.   The term "waste" is defined as an activity, act, or behaviour thatexhausts a huge volume of energy or other resources but produces little, ifany, valuable consequences, neither will the act have some this sense, by no means can outer space research be deemedas a waste. The majority of outer space research projects have somepositive outcomes that can immediately and directly benefit human is to say, these projects have some value or significance. For instance,landing on the moon has already offered some solutions to humanpopulation issues and the problems of environmental pollution. It isclaimed that within the foreseeable future human beings will be able todispose of waste in outer space. Moreover, significance of space researchhas gone far beyond the horizon of science. In fact it reaches deeply intohuman spirit and soul. It is outer space research that makes people realizethat we human beings are not the dominant creators but rather simplecreatures. This educates people to love each other rather than to also teaches people to know that war, conflicts, and discrimination are all in vain. Bearing these feats in mind, who can claim that outer space research is a waste?   Admittedly, some of the research projects do not have immediate consequences. But shall we thus conclude that these projects waste humanresources and money? If so, then we might be the short-sighted fact, viewing these projects from a long run, we find that each of theprojects has the potentials that human beings demand. It might be that theultimate solutions to human disasters, diseases, and other troubles canonly be found through these outer space research projects.   All in all, whether the benefits are evident, elusive, or even invisible tothe contemporary eye, they manifest the importance of outer spaceresearch. Therefore, who will still be so shortsighted as to denounce theimportance of outer space research?


  界和前沿不断向前推进。但一切都须要付出代价。因此,就产生了关于空间研究是否浪费大量金钱和资源(包括人力资源)的争论。然而,我却持有完全相反的意见并有充分理由来证实。   “浪费“的定义是指一种活动或行为消耗了大量能量和其他资源,但却几乎没产出什么有价值的结果(如果存在产出的话),也不会存在什么潜在好处。在这个意义上来说的话,空间研究无论如何也不可能是种浪费。多数空间研究项目都有一些积极作用,并能迅速而又直接地作用到人类身上。换言之,这些研究项目还是颇具价值并有重大意义的。例如,登月计划已经为解决人口问题和环境污染提供了一些解决方案。据说,在可预见的未来,人类能够向外太空排放垃圾。此外,空间研究的意义远远超出了科学范畴。实际上,它已深深植根于人类的内心和灵魂了。是空间研究让我们意识到人类并不是造物主,而仅仅是一种平凡生物,从而教育人类相互关爱,不记恨对方,教育人类:战争、冲突和歧视都是徒劳无功的。有这么多因素作证,谁还能说空间研究没有用呢?   不得不承认,有些空间研究并没产生即时效应。但难道这样我们就能断定这是浪费人力和金钱吗?如果是这样,那我们就是目光短浅的生物了。实际上,若从长远角度来看待这些项目,那么每种项目都有潜在性去满足人类需求。这也许是解决人类灾难、疾病和其他麻烦的终极方案,唯有通过外太空研究才能如此。   总之,以现代眼光来看,不管证据是明显的、难以捉摸的,还是根本看不到的,其实都彰显了空间研究的重要性。因此,谁还会如此鼠目寸光地否定空间研究的重要性呢?
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