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最后更新: 2022-06-19 00:42
浏览次数: 95
总算知道关于出国的SAT作文范文 详细说明
  When Dad decided to work in America, I had no idea that this would imPACt my future enormously. I simply thought Dad would return in a few weeks, as usual for his business trips.   I loved everything in China too much. Being an only child, I was constantly the object of affection of my dad, mom, grandpas, and grandmas. Whenever there was any kind of snack, I'd be treated. On the weekends, my parents would take me to my grandparents, who would shower me with attention. At the pre-school at my parents' workplace, I was loved by the teachers. Most importantly, I had little friends in China. Back then we had watched the Romance of the Three Kingdoms drama on TV, and all the little kids in pre-school were captivated by it. We formed imitated a “Peach Garden Pact,”singing nonsense songs the entire day, forming “blood brothers” frequently and arbitrarily. I remember I was “Guan Yu,”the second in the hierarchy of the Three Kingdoms heroes. Because of that, I begged my parents to buy me a large toy blade, with which to chase my little friends everywhere.   My saddle was the back seat of my parents' bike. For safety, they instalLED a small metal chair onto the back of the bicycle, in which I'd sit, waving my arms around in mock fury. Ever since I was very little, I had learned to do mischief was mischievous: once, as Mom was biking us slowly home on a particularly busy road crowded with street vendors, I loudly yelled, “The police are coming! ” After this exclaim, many vendors frantically picked up their wares and ran, thus clearing up the lane for our access. I grew up in this kind of worry-free environment.   But these things would cease to exist, because Dad, from across the ocean, sent us an invitation to join him in America. Dad had implied that I might go to school there. I told Mom that I didn't want to; I couldn't leave my friends here. Those days Mom and I argued quite a bit. I got up very reluctantly, eating slowly to take up additional time, dragging my feet to school, hiding in corners of the playground from Mom. Whatever the processes, in the end Mom still got me to agree to see Dad, stay for a very short time, and return to continue attending my education in China.   The first step was in May; all of Mom's good friends came to see us off. I alone thought that we were just going out for a short trip; there was nothing to get all hyped up about. The large crowd feared for my safety at the airport; what if I slipped from my mom's hand? The result would be unthinkable. Grandma thought of an idea-she found some red string to tie my hand to Mom's, and this way we wouldn't be separated. The idea was brilliant! In Beijing, Detroit, and Memphis, Mom and I were tied together tightly with that red string. I didn't know about the consequences if a policeman saw us like that. However, when Dad saw us in the Austin airport, he burst out laughing at this “silly idea. ”   Thus, by a string of red I was “tied” to the United States. I didn't know about my future here. Other than my parents, there were no relatives or friends that would love me and dote on me. There certainly wouldn't be any old friends, and in the first days in the new world, I constantly asked Mom to take me back to China. I was five and half years old in that year.   以上就是关于出国的SAT作文范文,上海英语邀您一起来看看关于本篇文章考官的评价吧。
  Comments:The title is confusing. As is, it would indicate that a person is “tied” to America. Use the preposition “for” which would change the meaning to a person getting ready to go to America. Also, when you used the word “invite, ” to join your father in America, it is like you had a choice. If this was the case, leave the word “invite” in your passage, if not, replace it with a different word.   评语:题目令人费解。按照其原意,它应该是指一个人被“绑”到了美国。使用介词for可以将意思变成一个人已经准备好到美国去。而且,当你使用单词invite(邀请)表示去和爸爸在美国会面时,这好像说明你有选择权。如果是这种情况,那么可以保留单词invite;如果不是的话,则要用另外一个单词替换它。   上海英语也为大家准备了关于出国的SAT作文范文的翻译,帮助大家更好的理解吸收,希望大家取长补短,更轻松的攻克SAT写作。
  当爸爸决定去美国工作的时候,我一点儿也没有意识到这一决定会对我的未来产生极大的影响。我简单地认为爸爸在几周之后就会回来,就像他平时出差一样。   我太热爱中国的一切了。作为独生子,我经常是爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆所关爱的目标。无论什么时候有任何点心一类的零食,肯定有我的一份。周末,我的父母会带我到外公、外婆家,他们对我关爱有加。在父母工作单位办的学前班里,我被老师们宠爱着。重要的是,我在国内有一帮朋友。那时,我们在电视上看了《三国演义》,所有学前班上的小孩子们都被它迷住了。   我们模仿“桃园三结义”的情节,成天唱着连意思也没有搞懂的曲子,频繁而随意地结拜兄弟。我记得我是“关羽”,在三国英雄中排名第二。因为这个,我还央求父母为我买一把大的玩具刀,带着它到处迫赶我的小伙伴。   我的马鞍是父母的自行车的后座。为了安全起见,他们在自行车的后部安装了一把小铁椅。我坐在里面,向周围挥舞我的手臂,假装恼怒的样子。我从很小就很淘气:有一次,妈妈带着我在一条特别热闹的满是摊贩的路上慢慢地骑车回家,我大声地喊道:“警察来了!”听到这番叫嚷之后,许多小商贩慌乱地拾起他们的货物跑了,这一跑也把路让了出来,便于我们通过。   我就在这样无忧无虑的环境中长大。   但是,所有这些都将不复存在。因为爸爸从大洋彼岸寄给我们一封邀请信,让我们与他在美国团聚。爸爸还暗示我可以在那里上学。我告诉妈妈我才不愿意呢;我离不开这里的朋友。那些天我和妈妈常常发生争执。我非常不情愿地起,慢慢地吃饭以拖延时间,慢吞吞地去上学,藏在操场的兔落里不让妈妈找到我。无论使用什么招数,到后妈妈还是让我答应了去看爸爸,只呆很短的时间,然后回来继续在中国上学。   第一步是在五月里;妈妈所有的好朋友都来为我们送行。我独自想:我们只是短期出一趟国而已;完全用不着这么夸张吧。机场里熙熙攘攘的人群让大人们担心我的安全;要是我从妈妈的手中挣脱了怎么办?那后果不堪设想。还是外婆想到了一个主意-她找来一根红绳,将我的手和妈妈的手拴在一起,这样我们就不会分开了。   这个主意可真棒!在北京、底特律和孟菲斯,我和妈妈都被那根红绳紧紧地缚在一起。我不知道要是一位警察看见我们那副模样,后果会怎样。不过,当爸爸在奥斯汀机场看到我们的时候,他被我们的这个“笨主意”逗得哈哈大笑。   就这样,我被一根红绳“绑”到了美国。我不知道我在这里的未来会怎么样。除了我的父母之外,这儿没有疼爱和溺爱我的其他亲人或者朋友。当然也不会有我的那些伙伴们,以致于在这个新世界的初那些天里,我不断地央求妈妈带我回中国去。   那一年,我五岁半。

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