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发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 湖北
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-06-19 00:57
浏览次数: 86
看点关于购物的SAT作文范文 详细说明
  In English, buying things is calLED “shopping, ”and according to its pronunciation, people have translated it into Chinese as “xia pin,”or blind comPETition. I experienced this one holiday while purchasing gifts, finding out that this translation is indeed pretty accurate of the general insanity of shopping.   Every year entering October, stores begin to busy up get busy because it's the season for increased economic opportunities and profit. In October lots of children buy and wear costumes for Halloween, and thus costume companies make themselves as eye catching as possible. November has Thanksgiving, the holiday of expressing thanks and gathering together, where shoppers race for turkeys and holiday cards; people waiting in a long line to buy presents. Following, Christmas in December pushes the holiday spirit of Americans into high tide. Stores turn up their lights; all presents conceivable are available. The cars that drive by a storefront are PACked, perhaps sporting a green tree tied to the roof, bringing tidings of the holiday. Even the day following Christmas,businesses sell discount merchandise to attract purchasers. The onslaught of grabbing hands is well received by commodities.   Last Thanksgiving we decided to see for ourselves what extreme holiday shopping would be like. The day before, I searched thoroughly through the papers for ads,drawing routes to the stores we wanted to go, and calling up friends to get the times,places, and even aisles inside the stores of where we wanted to get our items. Most of our friends weren't interested in food or clothing but the high-tech hardware items. Normally expensive, on this day some would be less than half price. Nearing midnight, we excitedly turned in, wishing each other good night and slipping into dream.   At around 4 a. m. the next day, the doorbell woke me up. Who could ring this early? I rubbed my weary eyes and walked downstairs, opening the door. It was my friend that I had last seen just a couple of hours ago; what was he doing here this early?   He came in and told us about his University of Texas student brother who was currently in front of the hardware store: there was a monstrous line in front of folks who had camped there the night before. Really? There was no time to lose; I called up a few other friends and rushed my mother to drive us to the store. Dad went to a different shop to buy me a new bike. On the way to our destination, we dreamed about the goods we were about to lay hands on, clenching and unclenching our fists in anticipation.   At the main entrance we were totally shocked: the monstrous line was in fact more monstrous than we had thought. Americans were for the most part moral polite here; not many cut in line. We walked to the very end of the queue, hoping for good luck inside the store; the cold, winter wind blew away our earlier eagerness. Half an hour later, the store finally opened. The people's spirits were reawakened, and they inched forward in two rows. The crowd was well ordered, or at least before they reached the door. As soon as they entered, they ran much faster than normal, yelling much louder than usual, charging toward what they longed for. The surprised cries of those who found their items mix with the sighs of those who found the items they sought depleted. The plan my friends and I had couldn't feasibly work under these thunderous conditions, and we disbanded to fend for ourselves. At the end, counting up my “spoils of war, ” I saw that I had “looted” memory sticks, power strips, walkie-talkies, MP3 players, antispy ware programs-for they were cheap or free. Not a few of them required rebates though-sending in a proof of purchase to the company to receive a check for most of the cost back. All that one would have to pay was the tax for these “free” items. This was what many people got up early for.   At the superstore we met one of Dad's colleagues, who proudly reported having waited in line a few places behind the governor of Texas. They had talked, and it looked like the governor had a shopping craze too.   At home, the brand-new mountain bike Dad had bought for me sat in the garage. Mom went for a trip to a clothing store, buying winter clothes for everyone.   At the end we made a comprehensive calculation: the day after that holiday, we spent a few times more than we had ever spent on a shopping trip. I whispered: “We've really gone crazy! ”   Last year, for Thanksgiving and Christmas, we didn't go anywhere. We stayed at home and slept. Upon rising, Dad slyly cheered: “Hey! Today we've saved a ton of money! ”   以上就是关于购物的SAT作文范文,上海英语邀您一起来看看关于本篇文章考官的评价吧。
  Comments:Shopping is an American pastime! ? Poor word choice in second and fifth paragraphs. The phrase “busy up” is not a common phrase, ? possibly use “get busy. ” In the fifth paragraph, where the word “moral” was used to explain about Americans, the writer did not have any information whether the Americans waiting in line were “moral” or not. Possibly use “polite. ” As an American, I can feel my adrenaline start to flow as I read about the excitement of shopping for bargains.   评语:购物是美国人的一项娱乐活动!第二段和第五段各有一处用词不当。短语busy up是一个不常用的词组,或许可用get busy。在第五段中,moral(道德的)被用来形容美国人,但作者实际上并不知道正在排队的美国人是否“道德”,也许可以用polite(礼貌的)。作为一名美国人,当我读到逛商店买便宜货的那份激动时,我能感受到我的肾上腺素开始涌动。   上海英语也为大家准备了关于购物的SAT作文范文的翻译,帮助大家更好的理解吸收,希望大家取长补短,更轻松的攻克SAT写作。
  在英语中,购物叫做shopping,于是人们根据它的发音在中文里将它翻译成“瞎拼”,即盲目的拼抢。我有一次过节购买礼物时有过这样的经历,发现这个翻译真是相当准确地刻画了人们在购物时普遍表现出来的疯狂。   每年进入10月之后,商店开始变得忙碌起来,因为这是增加收益的机会和营利的季节。10月,许多孩子都购买万圣节的服装来穿,因此服装公司都尽可能地把自己打扮得吸引眼球。n月有感恩节,这是一个表达谢意和与家人团聚的节日,购物者们争先恐后地抢购火鸡和节日卡;人们排起了长长的队伍购买礼品。接下来,12月里的圣诞节将美国民众的节日气氛推向高潮。商店火通明;所有想象的到的礼品应有尽有。从商店前驶过的汽车都满载货物,或许还炫耀般地将一棵绿树捆在车的顶部,传递着节日的信息。甚至在圣诞节的第二天,商家还在推出打折的商品来吸引购买者,将无数双突击拼抢的手塞得汇成商学院的。   去年的感恩节,我们决定亲自看一看疯狂的节日“瞎拼”是什么样的。节日的前一天,我彻底地搜寻了报纸上的广告,画出了我们想去的商店的路线图,然后打电话给朋友约好了见面时间和地点,甚至具体到我们想买的物品在商店里所处的通道。我们大部分的朋友对食品和服装都不感兴趣,而是喜欢高科技的硬件产品。它们通常很贵,但是在这一天,一些商品会低于半价。接近午夜了,我们兴奋地上睡觉,互道晚安,然后进入梦乡。   第二天早上四点左右,门铃声叫醒了我。谁会这么早按门铃呀?我揉着惺松的睡眼,走下楼梯,打开了门。门口是我刚刚在几个小时前才见过的朋友;他这么早来这儿干嘛呢?进门之后,他告诉我们,他的那位在得克萨斯大学念书的哥哥现在正在电脑商店门前排队:人们已经在那儿排起了长队,有的人头一天晚上便在那里搭帐宿营了。真的吗?别浪费时间了;我打电话给其他几位朋友,然后催促妈妈开车带我们去商店。爸爸去了另一家商店为我买新自行车。在去往目的地的路上,我们幻想着那些打算抢到手的商品,在期盼中把拳头握紧了又松开,松开了又握紧。   在商店的大门口,我们完全惊呆了:庞大的队伍实际上比我们想象的还要长得多。大多数美国人很礼貌,插队的人不多。我们走到了队伍的后面,希望商店里还有好运在等着我们。冬日的寒风吹散了我们先前那份渴望的激情。   半小时之后,商店终于开门了。人们的激情重新燃起,大家排成两行,一英寸一英寸地往前挪动。人群井然有序,或者说至少在他们到达门前的时候是那样。一进商店,他们就以比平时快许多的速度奔跑着,以比平时高出许多的声音尖叫着,冲向他们渴望的商品。那些找到了商品之后的惊喜的叫喊声和那些发现商品已经全部卖完之后的叹息声交织在一起。我和朋友们事先商量好的计划在这嘈杂的环境里不起作用,我们只好分头各自为战。后,在清理“战利品”的时候,我看见我“抢”到了记忆棒、电源插座、对讲机、MP3播放器、杀毒软件等等-因为它们很便宜或者是免费的。它们中的大多数都有售后返款的要求-只要将购买商品的证明材料寄给公司,便会收到返还大部分费用的支票。对那些“免费”的商品来说,购买者只需支付商品的销售税。这便是为什么许多人要早起的缘故。   在超级大卖场里,我们遇到了爸爸的一位同事。他得意洋洋地告诉我们,他排在离得克萨斯州州长后面不远的地方,他还和州长聊天了。看来,州长也是一个购物狂。   回到家,爸爸为我购买的崭新的山地自行车就摆放在车库里。妈妈还去了一趟服装店,为每个人都添置了冬装。   后,我们作了全面的计算:在节日后的那一天,我们花掉了比平时去一趟商店购物多出好几倍的钱。我低声说道:“我们真的是疯了!”   在去年的感恩节和圣诞节期间,我们哪儿也没有去,呆在家里睡觉。起床后,爸爸调侃地欢呼道:“嘿!今天我们可省了好多好多的钱!”

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