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最后更新: 2022-06-19 14:41
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总算知道关于纸质书籍的托福作文范文 详细说明

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In twenty years from now, students will not use printed books any more. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  With each advance in written communication, people have learned to adapt. From hieroglyphics on cave walls, to Sumerian texts on scrolls, to Gutenberg's printed Bible, to leather-bound copies of the classics, readers have adjusted to the way information is presented to them. Books and other printed publications have been the accepted media for centuries, but now we are seeing a gradual increase in the number of documents that are read solely on a computer or e-reader screen. There seems to be little doubt that, twenty years from now, students will no longer need to acquire hard-copy course materials.
  In the first place, most students in developed countries have ample exposure to electronic media: It is rare to find a college student, for example, who does not own an iPhone or an iPad or a laptop computer, all of which they can take with them to class. And on that laptop, a student can pull up the text for the course, highlight key passages as the teacher comments on them, and even insert “comments” for further review and study. Likewise, a student can use the Word program to take notes, and then structure those notes by using bullet, copy and paste, and other word-processing functions. Portable media (such as laptops) will also change the way students PACk for school: No longer will a high school student have to lug around a large backpack, stuffed full with textbooks for each class-every text and all supplemental material will be stored on onelaptop.
  Teachers will also find it much more useful to assign electronic, rather than printed, reading assignments simply because it will be so easy to update the course materials. If a new edition of a biology textbook, for example, is available, the students do not have to complain about buying another book-they will simply have to download the latest update (for a fraction of the hard-copy price)。 Even now, e-copies of textbooks are much less expensive than hard copies, as there are no actual pages to print.
  There are many people who bemoan the decline of printed reading material. “I want to hold the newspaper in my hands,” they complain. “I like the way a book feels,” others say. But young people do not typically feel this same way about old communicationssystems; they are much more comfortable with new technologies and willing to take a chance on a revolutionary product. Twenty years from now, printed books will be ancient history and the “writing on the wall” will refer to something posted on a Facebook page.   珠海启德资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以珠海启德为您提供关于纸质书籍的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。   随着书面交流的逐渐发展,人们学会了适应。从洞穴墙壁的象形文字,卷轴上的闪族文字,古腾堡的印刷圣经,再到皮革印制的经典名著,读者们适应了各种信息的呈现方式。多个世纪以来,书本和其他印刷物一直是被广为接受的媒介。但如今我们见证了一种逐渐的转变,越来越多的文件通过电脑和电子阅读器屏幕被人们阅读。因此毫无疑问,20年后,学生们将不再需要打印版课程教材。
  还有很多人为使用印刷阅读材料的减少而惋惜。他们抱怨道:“我想要拿着报纸阅读。”而另一些人称:“我喜欢书本的感觉。”但是年轻人并没有对老旧的交流系统产生同样的情感。他们更喜欢新的科技,并愿意尝试革新产品。20年后,纸印书籍将成为历史。而“在墙上写字”将会是指在网络页面上发布信息。   珠海启德认为,所谓托福作文,就是文章要‘撰’出来,更要‘钻’进去,才能写出好文,妙文。既不拘泥俗套,又惟妙惟肖。托福作文若如此修炼,不但事半功倍,且暗合英文思维表达,更符合官方要求,珠海启德小编希望本篇关于纸质书籍的托福作文范文能给大家有所启发。

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