总算清楚雅思口语考试话题Book and Reading解析





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总算清楚雅思口语考试话题Book and Reading解析

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最后更新: 2022-06-20 08:21
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总算清楚雅思口语考试话题Book and Reading解析 详细说明

  雅思口语考试话题Book and Reading解析
  北京朗阁雅思培训学校 杨超   雅思口语话题层出不穷,变化多端。虽然如此,但仍有一些话题每次都会考到,频率颇高,且在每个部分都有考到。雅思口语话题每年都会更换,如果一个话题能够不被换掉而反复作为考题出现,足以证明其重要性,自然值得我们重视。所谓的热话题,就是指这些没有被替换掉且反复出现的话题。正因为它们反复出现,所以前人的经验比较多,能够很好地总结出一些规律。在这些热门话题中,Book and Reading又是重中之重的话题之一。本文中,北京朗阁雅思培训学校的专家将从多个方面帮助考生们准备Book and Reading这一话题,并提供新的考题供各位考生练习,以便全面掌握这一话题,从而更好地拿到雅思口语高分。
  一、词汇   literature文学   horror恐怖书   suspense悬疑书   detective book侦探书   magic魔幻书   fairy tale童话书   comic book漫画书   romance传奇书   comedy喜剧   tragedy悲剧   novel长篇小说   fiction虚构小说   non-fiction纪实文学   science fiction科幻小说   prose散文   poetry诗歌   article文章   letter书信   textbook教科书   masterpiece杰作   storyline故事情节   character人物   author作者   train of thought思路   structure结构   bookcase书架   mark标记   take notes做笔记   spiritual心灵的,精神的
  二、句型   1. 畅销   sell well   Our products sell very well. 我们的产品卖得很好。   be in great demand   The novels of Scott are in great demand this year. 斯格特的小说很畅销。   be a best-seller   This book is a best-seller throughout the world. 这本书风靡全世界。   sell like hot cakes   The book has been selling like hot cakes, and the publishers are going to reprint it. 这本书十分畅销,出版社打算重新印刷。   have a ready market   Our food products have a ready market in the world. 我们的食品畅销全世界。   go like hot wildfire   His new book goes like hot wildfire. 他的新书畅销得不得了。
  2. 受欢迎   enjoy great popularity   Nowadays, credit card enjoys great popularity. 如今,信用卡很受欢迎。   be highly welcomed   This cute girl is highly welcomed in this school. 这位靓妹在学校很受欢迎。   be well received   This kind of clothes is well received by many middle-aged women. 这种衣服深受中年妇女的喜爱。   be a hit   This new song is a hit among young people. 这首新歌在年轻人中很红。   go down well with   The new teacher doesn't go down well with the pupils. 这位新老师很受学生欢迎。   meet with great favor   Their products have met with great favor home and abroad. 他们的产品在国内外很受欢迎。
  三、素材   Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. --Francis Bacon   阅读使人充实,交谈使人机智,写作使人准确。——弗兰西斯·培根   All books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hour, and the books of all time. --John Ruskin   一切书籍都可以分为二类:即:一时之书与长久之书。——约翰·罗斯金   Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. --Francis Bacon   一些书可以浅尝即止;一些书可以狼吞虎咽;而有些书则需要细嚼慢咽,好好消化。——弗兰西斯·培根   Read much, but not too many books. --Benjamin Franklin   要多读书,但不要读太多的书。——本杰明·富兰克林   Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read at all. --Henry David Thoreau   先读比较好的书,否则你根本没有机会去读了。——亨利·戴维·梭罗   “Classic” A book which people praise and don't read. --Mark Twain   “经典之作”是人人皆称赞却不愿去读的书。——马克·吐温
  四、Part 1练习   1. Do you like reading books, why or why not?   2. What books did you like when you were a childWhat about now?   3. What kinds of books do you like to read?   4. For children, what do you think are the benefits of reading?   5. Would you like to write a book?   6. Do you like receiving a book as a gift?
  五、Part 2练习
  Sample answer:   I enjoyed a great time when I read a comic book calLED Transformers, which enjoys great popularity throughout the world. In this book, some cool automobiles transform them into human-like robots. That is incredible, and I think this is a book about what will happen to our cars in the future.
  The book revolves around a genuine NASA manned mission to the Moon. Three years after the Apollo 11 sPACe race, the Autobots continue to work for the NEST military force. Meanwhile, the Decepticons unveil a plan to use the new groundbreaking technology, the Pillars, to enslave Humanity in order to save the home planet of the Transformers, Cybertron.
  I felt great about this book. Because in the past, I didn’t believe the image of a truck could ever be transformed into a twenty-foot tall robot, but now I almost convince myself that it might become a reality. And I think a bunch of people are rocked by this book because of this. Moreover, this comic book is marvelous with its spectacular pictures.
  六、Part 3练习   1. Why do some people like books about the future?   2. What is the most important development about technology in modern society?   3. With the development of technology, how can you image about the future?   4. What will this test rooms be in the future?   5. Will books or films disappear in the future?   6. How the government restricts the media?
  七、总结   以上北京朗阁雅思培训学校分别从词汇、句型、素材等方面为各位考生补充了雅思口语热门话题Book and Reading所要掌握的知识,并列出了近口语考试的考题,方便各位考生练习。口语只有通过不断练习,才能有所提高,就像练习乐器一样,没有一定的基本功,再多的技巧也是徒劳。希望考生能用心理解以上的知识点,将它们反复操练,直到融会贯通,自然地表达出来,这样离雅思口语高分就不远了。

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联 系 人:张生(先生) 

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