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总算明了关于孩子早送幼儿园的雅思作文范文 详细说明

  Nowadays, nurseries and kindergartens take care of children from an early age, sowomen can return to their work and children can get used to the society early. Is thisa good thing? What's your opinion?
  Sample Answer   Child care is a big issue in all families, and there is a heated debate on the bestmethod of handling it. Nowadays there is a growing tendency for parents to sendtheir children earlier to nurseries and kindergartens. Some even go to nurseries andkindergartens at age 2 or 3so that mothers can be freed from child care and pursuetheir own careers. People from different backgrounds, however, hold differentattitudes toward the matter in question.   Some people claim that children should be sent to nurseries earlier. First of allpsychologically speaking, the child needs more opportunities to communicate withhis peers. The main task of the child care establishments is to inculcate honesty,courage, discipline, cooperation, friendliness, and good manners. Second, it isbeneficial for them to receive systematic and scientific care and rudimentaryknowLEDge from well-trained professionals. Last but not least, sending children earlierto nursery schools enable smothers to devote more time and energy to their jobs. Inthis way, career success becomes more possible, which is very beneficial to the wholefamily.   However, people rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue.   The opponents argue that sending children earlier to nursery schools has itsdemerits. In the first place, it may lead to poorer parent-child relationship for lack ofemotional communication. In addition, with mother staying at home, children will bebetter cared for and given more attention. On the other hand, in nurseries andkindergartens, there is the possibility of lacking adequate care and attention becausethere are so many children in a class. Moreover, although the family may lose someincome, its expenditure will also be greatly reduced. It will no longer be necessary topay for attending nurseries and kindergartens.   Undeniably, there are points in both sides of the argument. But after a carefulconsideration of the above reasons, I stand on the side of the opponents. To startnursery schools too early is harmful for children mentally. Children who are sentearlier to nursery schools lack the affection of parents. Furthermore, mothers are thefirst teacher of their own child and exert profound imPACt on the child's futuregrowth.
  广州环球雅思老师译文:   照顾孩子对所有家庭来说都是一个大问题,对于解决这个问题的比较好的方法存在着一个激烈的争辩。如今家长提早把孩子送去幼儿园或托儿所的趋势逐渐增大。有些孩子甚至在2, 3岁时就被送去托儿所,以便他们的妈妈能从照顾孩子中解脱出来追求他们自己的事业。然,而,不同背景的人   们在这个问题上持有不同的观点。   有些人认为孩子们应该更早些被送去托儿所。首先,从心理学上讲,孩子们需要更多的机会来和他们的同龄人交流。托儿所的主要任务是教导他们做到诚实、勇敢、守纪、协作、友善和礼貌。   其次,从训练有素的专业人员那里受到系统和科学的照顾并得到初步知识对孩子们是有益的。后一点也很重要,早些送孩子去托儿所能让母亲们在她们的工作上投入更多时间和精、力。这样,事业更有可能获得成功,这对整个家庭都是有益的。   然而,人们在这个有争议的问题上很少能达到的共识。反对者提出过早地送孩子们去托儿所是有缺陷的。首先,由于缺少情感交流,这可能导致更糟糕的亲子关系。此外,当母亲留在家里时,孩子们能够得到更好的照顾和更多的关注。另一方面,在托儿所,由于一个班级里孩子众多,所以会存在缺乏足够的照顾和关注的可能性。另外,尽管家庭可能会损失一部分收入,但家庭支出也会大幅减少。支付入托费也不再是必须的了。   不可否认的是,争论的双方都有很多的道理。但是经过对以上原因的仔细考虑之后,我站在反对者一边。过早的开始托儿所生活对孩子们的心理是有害的。那些被过早送去托儿所的孩子们缺乏父母的关爱。此外,母亲是孩子的第一位老师,而且对孩子们未来的成长有着意义深远的影响。   以上就是广州环球雅思小编为您整理的关于孩子早送幼儿园的雅思作文范文,广州环球雅思小编后啰嗦一句,语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来,以广州环球雅思多年的雅思教学经验来看,希望大家永远记住一句话:所有考试都是将合格的学生考出来,而不是将不合格的考生考出去。

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