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总算认识关于学生的态度的雅思作文范文 详细说明
  Many problems in schools are aroused by the attitudes of students. How do theseproblems form? What should we do to change the situation?
  Sample Answer   School violence becomes very protrusive in many countries, most of which are caused by the attitudes of students. Some governments and the authorities show great concerns about the problems. From my point of view, these problems are aroused by three factors, the development of society, the influence of family and media and the weakness of school education.   The rapid development of the society offers young students more opportunities to contact the outside world. Due to the lack of social experience, some you ngstersarenot capable of distinguishing right from wrong. Curiosity drives them into imitating what they have seen on TV or from the people around them. Therefore, it is easy forthem to be addicted to alcohol, smoking and drugs. Some students even smoke ortake drugs at school.   Family violence is another major factor causing problems in schools. Family violence hurts children both physically and psychologically. Physically, family violence will hurt their tender body because children are still in the stage of development. Psychologically, physical punish ment will hurt children's self-confidence and make them have a tendency of violence. Recently, school gunshot shit the headlines frequently, which should be partly attributed to family violence.   Finally, the weakness of school education is an important factor causing school problems. Some schools only stress students' achievements in their study, while neglecting their moral education. Therefore, even some top students are apt to stride on the criminal road.   To solve these problems, I think we should take the following measures. Firstly, schools should strengthen students' moral education, giving them correct directions and cultivating their ability to tell right from wrong. Secondly, parents should spare some time to communicate with their children, resolving difficulties and troubles for them timely. If the school and family can join hands in solving these problems, I think the students will develop healthily and the environment in schools will become much clearer.
  深圳老师译文:   校园暴力已成为许多国家日渐突出的问题,其中大部分是由学生的态度所引起。一些政府和专家都对此极为关注。以我个人而言,这些问题是由三方面因素导致的:社会的发展、家庭和媒体的影响及学校教育的缺陷。   快速发展的社会为年轻学生提供了更多接触外面世界的机会。由于缺少社会经验,一些年轻人没有明辨是非的能力。好奇心驱使他们去模仿电视节目中的内容及周围人们的所作所为。   结果,他们很容易就会对酗、吸烟和吸毒成瘾。有些学生甚至在学校里吸烟,吸毒。   家庭暴力也是引起学校暴力的另一主要因素。家庭暴力造成了孩子们生理和心理上的伤害。   生理方面,因为孩子们正处在成长阶段,家庭暴力将会伤害他们脆弱的身体。心理方面,体罚会伤害孩子们的自信心并使他们产生暴力倾向。近,校园枪击事件频繁出现在报纸的头版头条,而部分原因应该归咎于家庭暴力。   后,学校教育的缺陷也是诱发这些校园问题的重要因素。一些学校只重视学生的学习成绩,而忽视了对他们的道德教育。结果,即使是成绩优异的学生也有走向犯罪道路的倾向。   为了解决这些问题,我认为我们应采取以下措施:首先,学校应加强学生的道德教育,给予他们正确地指导并培养他们辨别是非的能力。第二,家长应该花些时间与孩子沟通交流,及时帮助他们解决困难,摆脱困境。如果学校和家庭能够携起手来解决这些问题,那么学生将会健康成长而校园的环境也将得到更大程度的净化。   以上就是深圳小编为您整理的关于学生的态度的雅思作文范文,深圳小编后啰嗦一句,语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来,以深圳多年的雅思教学经验来看,希望大家永远记住一句话:所有考试都是将合格的学生考出来,而不是将不合格的考生考出去

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