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最后更新: 2022-06-22 04:17
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终于认识关于消费者投诉的英语-成都美联英语 详细说明
  经典句型背一背:   I'm afraid I've got。complaint about the quality.   恐怕我有个质量问题要投诉。   Can you tell me the reason you were unable to ship the item on time?   你能告诉我你无法准时交货的原因吗?   Your shipment is so late that we have a lot of difficulty in the disposal of the goods.   贵方装运过迟,致使我们难以处理这批货物。   This delay is threatening the loss of our best customers.   这次延误将使我们失去比较好的客户   This consignment was not even ul一to your own standard.   这批货甚至没有达到你们自己的标准。   The goods submitted do not correspond with the sample sent.   到货与所送样品不一致。   Our customers reported that your products are very poor in quality.   我们的客户反映,你们的产品质量太差。   We can't use them at all.   我们完全不能用。   I'm sorry to say this design is not so satisfactory.   很遗憾,这个样式不太令人满意。   Several boxes were broken and the contents damaged.   有数箱破损,内装货物受损。   Apparently, it was due to careless PACking.   很明显是包装太马虎了。   We can't use most of the material you sent us on the last shipment.   你们发来的上一批材料,大部分都不能用。   You have sent us the wrong goods and we are in urgent need for the goods that we ordered.   贵方将货发错,而我方急需所订货物。   What we receive is not what we ordered.   我们收到的并不是我们订购的。   Upon unpacking the cases we find that the contents entirely have nothing to do with our order.   开箱之后我们发现内容与我们的订单完全不一致。   I suppose you won't be convinced until you have seen it with your own eyes.   我想你要亲眼看了才会相信。   We hope you will see your way to making a prompt settlement.   希望你们尽力从速解决此事。   Your prompt attention is appreciated.   贵方若能及时处理,将不胜感激。
  模仿对话练一练:   (Guest B wants to change a mom. He goes to the assistant manager A.)
  A:Good morning,sir. What can I do for you?   B:I'm Brown. I'm in Room you change the room for me?   It's too noisy. I was woken up several times by the noise thebaggage elevator made,it was too much for me.   A:I'm awfully sorry,sir. I do apologize. Room 608 is at the end ofthe corridor. It's possible that the noise is heard early in the morning when all is quiet.   B:Anyhow,I'd like to change my room.   A:No problem,sir. We'll manage it,but we don't have any spare room today .Could you waittill tomorrow? The American Education Delegation will he leaving tomorrow morning.   There'll he some rooms for you to choose from.   B:All right. I hope I'll be able to enjoy my stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have asound sleep.   A:Be sure. I'll make a note of that .Everything will he taken care of. And if there is anythingmore you need,please let us know.
  成都美联英语老师译文:   (顾客B想换房间,他找到了经理助理A。)   A:早上好,先生。有什么能为您效劳的吗?   B:我叫布朗,住在608房间。能给我换个房间吗?这儿太吵了。我被运送行李的电梯发出的嘈杂声弄醒了好几次,简直受不了了。   A:非常抱歉,先生,我向您道歉。608房间在走廊的尽头,早上四周安静的时候很有可能听到噪音。   B:无论如何,我想换个房间。   A:没问题,先生。我们会尽力办到,但是今天没有空房间了,您能等到明天吗?美国教育代表团明早退房,然后您就可以选房间了。   B:好吧,我希望明天晚上能待在一套安静的房间里睡个好觉。   A:一定,我会记下来尽快为您调整的。如果还有别的需要,请告诉我们。   以上就是成都美联英语小编为您整理的关于消费者投诉的英语对话,成都美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入成都美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。

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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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