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最后更新: 2022-06-22 13:11
浏览次数: 90
一文了解网上购物英语怎么说 详细说明

01 Classic Sentences经典句子

   you show me how to order a book online?   你能教我怎么上网订购书吗?    we get anything we need through the Internet?   能在网上买到我们所需要的任何物品吗?    you like to shop online?   你喜欢网上购物吗?
   can buy them from online bookstores.   你可以从网上书店买到这些书。    are experienced in shopping online, but can you tell me what I should care about?   网上购物你很有经验,但你可否告诉我一般应注意哪些问题?    it likely that I will come across a hacker when shopping?   购物时会不会遇到黑客呀?
   don't you go shopping online?   你为什么不在网上购物?    online must be very convenient and fast.   网上购物既方便又快捷。    fact, just as its name implies, shopping online is to buy things in the E. supermarket.   其实,网上购物顾名思义就是到网上超市去买东西。
   about the goods on the Internet? Can the quality be guaranteed?   网上的东西怎么样?质量能确保吗?    about returns in case I'm not satisfied with the product?   如果我对商品不满意可以退货吗?    it safe to pay online?   在网上付款安全吗?
   shopping online have the same steps as shopping in the supermarket?   网上购物与超市购物过程一样吗?   'm always concerned about the quality of the product when you can't see or feel it.   网上商品看不见也摸不到,我担心其质量。 02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 Shopping online   Jane: Hi, Tina! Would you please show me around the online store?   Tina: Of course. Usually you need to log into a website and register to gain a legal affiliate. Be sure to be careful when you fill in the form with your personal information.   Jane: I see. What should I do next?   Tina: Browse through and put the goods you chose into your shopping cart. Then click “go to shopping cart” link to place the order.   Jane: Things are chosen, what shall I do next?   Tina: Click “go to the cart and place the order” to confirm your order.   Jane: What about the delivery?   Tina: The goods will be sent to your door in a few days.   Jane: Then what should I care about while shopping online?   Tina: Choose the website of high credit and be careful to present your personal information.   Jane: Then how should I pay?   Tina: You pay on arrival.   Jane: Tina, you said it. The virtual world is surely changing our way of shopping.   Tina: Yes. This is the most popular way shopping right now. 网上购物   简:嗨,蒂娜!你能不能带我到网络商店看看。   蒂娜:当然了。一般情况下,你要登陆网上,注册取得合法会员身份。注册填充个人信息时要谨慎一些。   简:明白了。然后我怎么办呢?   蒂娜:选择你要的东西,把它加到购物车里。然后点去“去购物车”,链接到下订单的地方。   简:东西选好了,然后怎么做呢?   蒂娜:点去“去购物车订货”确认你的订单。   简:那怎么送货呢?   蒂娜:几天之内它们会送货上。   简:还有网上购物时我应该注意什么?   蒂娜:选择信用好的网站,填写个人信息要小心。   简:我怎么付钱呢?   蒂娜:货到付款。   简:蒂娜,你说得对,虚拟世界确实正在改变我们的购物方式。   蒂娜:是的,这是现在流行的购物方式。   以上就是天津汉普森英语小编为您整理的网上购物英语怎么说,天津汉普森英语常年开设少儿英语,青少年英语,成人英语,企业英语等课程,欢迎大家进入天津汉普森英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。

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