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总算懂了关于大学课程的托福作文范文 详细说明
  托福范文是很多同学备考托福写作的重要资料,但是有些同学却是死记硬背,到了真正考试的时候却不知道如何使用这些背下来的托福范文。北京环球教育小编为大家提供托福范文及其译文,大家要兼收并蓄,奠定良好的词汇语法基础,终形成自己的写作风格,本篇托福范文是关于大学课程的,大学院校应该多开设一些更具挑战性的课程,即便学生不能取得高分。以下就是关于大学课程的托福作文范文。   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities and colleges should give more challenging courses, even if the students cannot get good grades with such courses. Use specific reasons and examples to support your ideas.
  Though what is considered “challenging” is more often a matter of thestudents' ability than the difficulty of the course, I agree that colleges and universities should offer more challenging courses. The purpose of higher education is to provide a good education for those who are able to successfully complete secondary education, pass the requisite entrance exams, and generally convince the university/college that they are ready for higher education. The courses, should, in fact, therefore, prepare the students for their future career or further study. To do this the courses must be challenging for several reasons.
  In the first place, dedicated students want to learn as much as possible; challenging courses that cause the student to work harder, think more analytically, question and participate will maintain the interest and enthusiasm of such students and ensure a deeper understanding of the topic.
  Secondly, tuition is expensive; students and their parents expect the students to receive more from the university than they could learn by simply studying on their own with a few books; thus they feel they have “gotten their money's worth” if the courses are more challenging and the students learn more. Thirdly, students have more respect for the highly well informed, professional professors who can teach them well and challenge them to learn more; if the course is easy, the students assume the professor is not a real expert and the value of the course is much less.
  Lastly, the more challenging and difficult the university/college curriculum is known to be, the more the prestige the students will have for their future careers or further education if they have attained good grades from such an institutions. For the reasons, it is clear that challenging courses are in the best interest of the university and college and most definitely for the good of the students.   尽管所谓的“挑战”通常是一个学生的能力的问题,而不是课程的难度问题,我仍然认为大学院校应该多开设一些更具挑战性的课程。高等教育的目的在于给那些成功完成了中等教育、通过了必要的人学考试并且让大学相信他们已经为接受高等教育做好了准备的人提供好的教育。因此大学提供的课程应该而且能够切实地让学生为未来的事业或深造做好准备。为了达到这个目的,大学课程应该具有挑战性,理由如下:
  其次,学费很昂贵,学生和他们的父母都希望能够从大学学到更多东西,而不仅仅是自己从课本上学到的那点知识。所以,如果课程更具挑战性,学生学到的更多,他们会觉得钱花得值。   再次,学生更崇拜那些能把他们教好并且激励他们多学的博学的专业教授;如果课程过于简单,学生们会认为这位教授不够专业,上这课的价值也不大。
  综上所述,开设具有挑战性的课程将给大学院校带来利益,学生也必定因此受益。   以上就是北京环球教育小编为整理的关于大学课程的托福作文范文,小编提醒你,静心地思考你的英文作文同范文文本的差异,学习范文文本的起承转合的技巧,学习范文文本长句短句的错落交叉,学习范文文本的准确用词--这些都是在你的文章有了思路和结构之后阻碍你得高分的重要因素。同时建议有条件的同学参加托福培训班,接受系统的托福培训,以查漏补缺,迅速提升托福成绩。
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