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最后更新: 2022-06-24 12:24
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终于懂了关于独自做决定的托福作文范文 详细说明
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.   你是否同意以下观点?人不应该独自做重要的决定。请用具体的理由和事例来说明。
  There are some decisions you should definitely make alone: Whether or not to cut your hair or get a tattoo; whether to eat an egg fried or scrambLED. Not all solitary decisions are of minor importance-one day in 1955, Rosa Parks, tired after a long day of work,decided all by herself not to give up her seat on the bus to a white person and sparked the Civil Rights Movement in the US. But in general, if the decision you are pondering is important to you, and to the important people in your life, you will have a much greater chance of making the right choice if you ask for their help.
  “There is safety in numbers,” goes the old proverb. If the decision you are considering may have a negative imPACt on your company, for example, it would be wise to seek out opinions and gain “buy-in” from your fellow workers before you announce your plan,In 1980, Akio Morita, the head of Sony, decided to produce a new gadget that would allow teenagers to tote around their music-the Walkman. Should he have been nervous about this decision? No, because he had the backing of Sony's talented workers. “The public does not know what is possible,” Morita told his naysayers:“We do.”
  There is another old saying, “Two heads are better than one.” If this is true, then we can assume that five or six heads will be even more powerful when it comes to making the right decision. Before any law can be passed in the US, for example, it must wend its way through committee discussion, then House and Senate consideration, and finally signing (or veto) by the President. (As much as presidential candidates love to promise that they will make BIG changes when they are elected, they soon learn that they will not be able to act alone in the office-they will need to listen to the people's representatives, both for and against any proposed change.)
  In your personal life, you should seriously consider including others in your decision- making process whenever practical. A parent does not need to consult with a child about family rules and regulations, but a husband certainly needs to talk to his wife about what those rules and regulations should be. Are you trying to decide whether to enlist in the army or go to college? Talk to your recruiter, but more importantly, talk to your parents,brothers and sisters, friends, and high school counselors. “No man is an island,” said the poet John Donne. Our choices invariably affect the people we love, so we need to let them in on our thoughts.
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