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最后更新: 2022-06-25 05:57
浏览次数: 90
总算领会关于儿童成长规划的雅思作文范文 详细说明
  关于儿童成长规划的雅思作文范文,一些人认为孩子应按照家长的意愿成长,而有的人却认为应该让孩子自由成长,那么关于儿童成长规划你怎么看?以下就是英语小编为您整理的关于儿童成长规划的雅思作文范文。   Some people think that children should not violate the rules set by teachers and parents, while others insist that natural development might be better for their future life. What is your opinion?   一些人认为孩子应该不违反规定的教师和家长的规则,而另一些人则坚持认为,自然的发展可能会对他们未来的生活更好。你的观点是什么?   To obey the rules set by teachers and parents or to develop naturally, that is perhaps one of the most charged issues in education. I think rules play a vital part because of their importance in life and work.   (注:第一段呈现essay map,用to do sth. or to do 是一种有意思的开头,只用简单的几个单词即概括了双方观点。)   Those who argue that it is better for children' s life to grow naturally might base their arguments on the grounds that by doing so, children tend to be more independent.   This view might be true to some extent. However, they ignore that when these children become adults, what they will be faced with is an organised world. In other words, there are rules regulating their behaviours. As a consequence, those who grow up ignoring rules are generally those who might come across many problems in terms of work and life. For example, when they become grown-UPS,they might violate laws-one form of rules-as they do when they are , I think, would like to see this. They may also be frowned upon by employers because no company would recruit those who turn a blind eye to the rules, which virtually exist in all companies. It is, therefore, reasonable to say that the argument for youngsters to violate rules definitely lacks validity and may pose potential threats to their future career.   (注:该段通过举例法从“工作和生活”两方面展开论述。实际上很多文章都可能会涉及这两方面,所以比较好熟记。)   Natural development, in my eyes, does not refer to growing up without paying any attention to rules. Instead, it refers to a process of instilling in a sense of independent thinking under the framework of rules. It must be realised that there is no absolute “natural development” in this world.   (注:此处采用定义法,对natural development下一个能支持自己观点的定义。“定义法”可以对文章中某个名词做有利于自己观点的解释和定义,欲求高分者宜加关注。)。   Therefore, it is essential for children to learn to obey rules because it is what the modern society requires. These rules, of course, should be of value in terms of children' s development.   以上就是为小编为您整理的关于儿童成长规划的雅思作文范文,更多出色范文请进入首页查看,如果您需要更专业的雅思培训,可直接在线咨询。
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