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最后更新: 2022-06-25 12:59
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总算明了关于市场定位与目标客户的英语短语 详细说明
  I’d like to discuss how we might gain more of the market share.我想谈论一下我们该如何获取更大的市场份额。   背景和挑战   We know where our comPETitors sit and challenges we face.我们已经了解了竞争对手的处境以及我们所面临的挑战。   It seems clear to me that the biggest challenge is getting our audience usedto the idea of paying for content online.我认为,很明显挑战是让我们的读者接受付费网站内容的理念。
  策略和方式   What are we going to do about it?我们该怎么做?   We have to first understand that it may take some time to change ouraudience's mind.我们首先得明白,要改变读者的心理需要一定的时间。   We still need to offer free content to users while we build our user base.   在我们建立用户群的过程中,仍需要提供免费的内容。   The internet could be a good way to provide customer service and support.   互联网会是提供客户服务和支持的有利途径。   We will have to include e-commerce and e一marketing into our marketingplans for this year.我们也得将电子商务和电子营销纳入本年度的营销计划中。
  他人经验   How are other companies dealing with that?其他公司是怎么处理这个问题的?   Manycompaniesarestartingtoofferpaidsubscriptions很多家公司开始提供付费订阅。   Is that something we should consider?这个措施值得我们考虑吗?
  描述指标   The company has decided on our sales targets for this year.公司已经确定了我们本年度的销售指标。   It's a slight increase of 10% from last year's targets.比去年的指标略微增长10%。   We are expecting to sell a total of... worth this year.我们今年预计的销售额为……实现的方式   Do you think the targets are realistic?您认为这些指标能实现吗?   We think that these targets are achievable.我们认为这些指标是可以实现的。   The bonuses will be based on these sales targets.奖金额将根据这些销售指标来定。   How will that affect the way we work?这种规定对我们的工作方式有什么影响吗?   It will be a big factor in hitting these targets.这将会在完成指标中起到很大的作用。
  活动项目   We have planned a major TV advertising campaign for May of this year.我们策划了一期大型的电视广告活动,将于今年5月运行。   We are going to hold press conferences.我们打算召开媒体招待会。
  宣传材料   We're working on some new promotional literature.我们正在制作促销传单。   The promotional video is ready.宣传短片已经制作好了。   It has strong branding and gives a good overview of the product.它的品牌意识很强,并且很好地展现了产品。   The advertising agency has also mocked up some sample brochures for us.   广告公司根据这部短片给我们制作了一些样品宣传册。   Have you prepared any give-aways ?你准备派发礼品了吗?
  预算   Do you have the budget for that?你有专项预算吗?   I know it can be quite expensive, but it would help to sell our vision.我知道会比较贵,但它能帮助我们推广理念。
  评价调查结果   There wasn't enough research done.市场调查的力度不够。   Some of the research might have been a bit outdated.可能有一些调查数据有点儿过时了。   Consumer reaction was good overall.消费者反馈不错。   The results of that recent market study came as a bit of a surprise.新的市场调查结果让我有点儿吃惊。   It looks like we are far from meeting our targets.看样子我们远未达到指标。
  咨询   I can start by talking to the design teams。我可以先和设计团队商讨一下。   1will consult an e-commerce specialist.我会咨询一T电子商务专家。
  问卷调查   Excuse me,I work for ABC Unlimited. I am conducting a survey about trafficjams in the city. Would you mind helping me by filling out this survey?   打扰了,我是ABC公司的职员。我正在做一项关于城市交通堵塞的调查。您介意帮我填一下这份调查表吗?   I was wondering if you had time to answer a few questions for me.   请问您有时间回答几个问题吗?   I suppose I could spare a few minutes.我想我可以抽出几分钟的时间。
  顾客询问   What kind of service do you provide after the products are purchased?购买产品后你们能提供什么服务?   What happens if a product is delivered damaged?如果产品在交付时受损怎么办?   How about if a product breaks shortly after the product is delivered?如果交付之后不久产品就受损了,怎么办?   Can you guarantee that any damaged products will be replaced?你能确保更换任何受损产品吗?
  商家的承诺和解释   can assure you that we offer the highest quality of care for all of ourcustomers.   我可以向您确保,我们向所有客户提供高品质的售后服务。   We've got a 24-hour hotline you can call to make a complaint.我们有24小时的服务热线,您可以打电话投诉。   If there are any problems at that time,they can be sent back with the driver.   这时如果产品有任何问题,即可由司机带回厂家。   If products break within an unreasonable time frame,they will be replaced.   如果产品在一定期限内受损,将由公司负责更换产品。   以上就是无锡美联英语学校小编为大家整理的关于市场定位与目标客户的英语短语内容。

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