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最后更新: 2022-06-25 16:57
浏览次数: 96
周知国际贸易英语对话带翻译 详细说明

  MPD: Come in please.   JH: Good morning.   MPD: Good morning. You must be Ms Zhang Huayu from Beijing. Am I right?   JH: Yes, you are right.   MPD: Please sit down.   JH: Thank you.   MPD: Well, Ms Zhang, first of all, I would like to congratulate you on your being a Member on our short list for today 's s interview.   JH: Thank you.

  求职者: (敲) 请问我可以进来吗?   经理:请进。   求职者:早上好!   经理:早上好!你一定是北京来的张华玉小姐吧?   求职者:是的,您说得对。   经理:请坐。   求职者:谢谢。
  MPD: Now since this is an International Trade Corporation, could you tell me something about this field?   JH: Er.. Well. International. Is. Trade, the business of buying, selling or exchanging Goods with foreign countries or between countries, or between households and firms In different countries. It is quite different from domestic trade in that it involves Transaction of currency.   MPD: Yes. For example?   JH: For example, if we buy a car from Germany, we must convert RMB into Euro and Then exchange the Euro for the car. It is very important to get familiar with this, Because the purpose of doing business is to earn money isn t, it's it?   MPD: Right. It sounds good. Anything else?   JH: The earliest trade between countries was to sell each other goods that they were Unable to produce themselves. Now countries also buy things they could produce Themselves, but what they buy from other countries should have advantages over Their own products of the same kind in quality and / or price.   MPD: Right! It seems that you understand well the meaning of international trade, but Doing international trade also includes the knowLEDge of trade terms, quality of Goods, PACking, and skills of dealing with people, etc.   JH: Yes, yes.

  经理:哦, 张小姐, 首先,祝贺你成为我们今天终面试名单上的一员。   求职者:谢谢。   经理:这是一家国际贸易公司, 你能否告诉我你对国际贸易有什么了解吗?   求职者:哦??, 嗯, 国际贸易是国与国之间或不同国家的家庭和公司之间对商品的买卖或交换。与内贸很不相同的是它包含着货币的转换。   经理:是的,举一个例子?   求职者:例如我们从德国买了一辆轿车, 我们就必须将人民币换算成欧元,然后用欧元购轿车。熟悉这点很重要,因为做生意的目的是挣钱,不是吗?   经理:对,不错。还有别的吗?   求职者:国与国之间早的贸易是互相销售他们自己国家生产不了的商品。现代,各国也购进他们自己的国家有能力生产的产品。但是他们从别的国家购进的产品应在质量或价格上比本国的同类产品具有优势。   经理:嗯!你好像对国际贸易还很懂, 但做国际贸易还涉及贸易术语、 商品质量、 价格、 包装等方面的知识和为人处世随机应变等技巧。   求职者:是的, 是的。
  MPD: OK. Er. this job requires lots. Of travelling around the world. Do you like Travelling?   JH: Yes. Very much, especially going abroad. Could you tell me which countries the Corporation has business with at present?   MPD: Oh, we well, have Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, South Korea in Asia; Finland,Denmark, Switzerland, Germany in Europe; and some other countries like America, Canada, Brazil, etc.   JH: Oh, great!   MPD: Anything else you would like to know?   JH: No, not at the moment.   MPD: All right. We ll let you know it's our decision as soon as possible.   JH: Thank you.   MPD: Bye!   JH: Bye!

  深圳美联英语老师译文   经理:好吧。嗯??这项工作要经常到世界各地出差, 你喜欢旅行吗?   求职者:是的, 很喜欢, 尤其是出国。您能告诉我公司现在跟哪些国家有业务联系吗?   经理:呵,我们现在在亚洲有马来西亚、 新加坡、 日本、 韩国;在欧洲有芬兰、 丹麦、 瑞士、德国;以及世界其他一些国家如美国, 加拿大, 巴西等。   求职者:哦,了不起!   经理:除此以外, 你还想了解什么?   求职者:没, 暂时没有什么想了解的,一切都很清楚。   经理:好。我会尽快地将面试结果告诉你。   求职者:谢谢。   经理:再见!   求职者:再见!   以上就是深圳美联英语老师整理关于国际贸易英语对话的全部内容。

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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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