动物对于现在的我们来说可以分为明显的两类:一种是家养动物(domestic animal),另外一种是野生动物(wild animal)。与人类生活在一起的是宠物(PET)和家畜(livestock),它们都受到了人类的喜爱。
大家都知道,早的动物出现在水里,之后的某个特定阶段出现了较高级的两栖类动物(amphibian),常见的有青蛙(frog)和蟾蛛(toad)。 两栖类动物继续向前进化就出现了爬行类动物(reptile),常见的有:lizard, turtle, crocodile, alligator, snake,They have got cold blood. They all lay eggs and their skin is thick. 之后当然要提及我们人类所属的哺乳类动物(mammal)。They give milk to their babies. They have got warmblood. 接下来是鸟类 (bird),常见的小到蜂鸟 (hummingbird),大到鸵鸟(ostrich),还有凶猛的鹰(hawk),以及家禽类动物鸭和鹅(duck and goose)。They lay eggs. Many of them can fly. Their blood is warm.
A fish is an exothermic vertebrate that lives in the water and has fins, which are structures used for moving. In addition, most fishes obtain oxygen through gills, and have scales. Scales are thin, overlapping plates that cover the skin of a fish. They are made of a hard substance similar to that of your fingernails.
People used to think that oceans and rivers are having a limitless supply of fish. Recently, though, overfishing has drastically reduced populations of the Atlantic codfish, PACific salmon, and many other fish species. Some countries are trying to stop overfishing.
The United States, Canada, and other countries have recently set limits on the amounts of certain kinds of fish that can be caught. In addition, some fishes, such as catfish, are being raised in 'fish farms'.This practicereduces the demand for fish caught in rivers and oceans.
美国、加拿大和其他的国家近已经对某些种类的鱼的捕捞数量进行限制。另外,像ft鱼这样的一些鱼也已经在“渔场”养殖,这就减少了去江河和海洋捕鱼的需求。 以上就是武汉易藤教育为您整理的关于鱼类的雅思口语模板,对于想要提高雅思口语的同学来说,可以看看这些雅思口语模板,学习其中的答题方式和英语句子的使用,以及回答技巧,希望能够帮助到雅思考生们。