As is depicted in the cartoon, a young man who standson a skateboard drawn by a dog, is moving at great speed ina boulevard. This cartoon shows us a new lifestyle which is preferred by a co
nsiderable number of people now-lowcarbon life.
With the miraculous development of science and technology,our life is becoming much more comfortable andconvenient. At the same time. an undeniable fact also liesahead of us- the co
ndition of the enviro
nment is becomingworse and worse. We all know that excessive amount ofcarbon dioxide emissions may produce many seriousproblems, such as polar animals' extinction, sea levels'rising, and climate changes. Wher
eas it goes beyond doubtthat low-carbon lifestyle co
ntributes a lot in solving these problems. It endows us and our society with a favorable environment, which means a lot to our health and life.
There are a diversity of measures we can take so as tolead a low carbon life. For one thing, we are expected touse public transportations instead of private cars that emit a large amount of exhaust gas. For another, we can plant more trees to absorb carbon dioxide and build anenvironment-friendly society. In our daily life, we can use renewable materials, and remember to turn off electricalappliances in time. After all,low carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us to lead a co
nvenient and healthy life.