雅思作文提升可以从揣摩出色的雅思作文范文开始,在备考时一味地做真题是不可取的,也要多向出色的前辈学习才对,写作也要充分利用高分模版来达到事半功半的效果,所以,广州朗阁雅思小编就为大家准备了出色雅思作文范文,本篇是关于先进领域的雅思作文范文。 People think that a hundred years ago. the human race was steadily improving in every area of life. Nowadays, there is no certainty of this case. In which areas de you think we have made important progress nowadays? In which areas do you think we still need to make progress? 高分范文 We frequently learn from the historical documents that enormous advance happened almost each era: the Renaissance from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century and the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century, the two typical movements in human history, affected the whole world in an unbelievable way. This essay will talk about the crucial progress human race has made and the fields supposed to be improved more.
First of all. medical advance has changed the world to a totally new face. Before. the average life expectancy of people was only 30 years or so. people often dying from common diseases like flu and diarrhea. Nowadays. however. three or four generations can live happily together. with the eldest one more than 100, which is never far and few between. The wholesome medical care can easily cure even some rare diseases.
Also. the current society has witnessed huge progress in industry. The wholesale food. clothes and cars, and houses are all typical examples of this . it is not strange to see only one person working in a big factory for the machines have replaced people in many positions.
The advance. however. seems to slow down and almost cease in some areas. For example. environmental problems are a huge headache to be dealt with. We need more advanced methods to handle the environmental pollution, like the ozone hole,green house effect, etc.
In conclusion. although human race is improving much more slowly than previous centuries and many fields should be improved. the real consolation is that humans have benefited much from the progress.
renaissance 文艺复兴,文艺复兴时期 Her book captures the quintessence of Renaissance humanism.
unbelievable 难以相信的。站不住脚的 The story he manufactured was unbelievable.
crucial 决定性的,至关重要的 The success of this experiment is crucial to the project as a whole.
life expectancy 平均寿命 Nowadays longevity and life expectancy have increased worldwide.
witness 目击,证明 No one witnessed this traffic accident. 以上就是广州朗阁雅思小编为大家整理的关于先进领域的雅思作文范文,建议在话题内容、结构框架、文字素材方面进行全面归纳。