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最后更新: 2022-07-02 21:49
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通知关于富贫与能力的关系的托福作文范文 详细说明

  It is widely accepted that we have been living in a "the rich get richer whereas the poor get poorer" age in terms of income gaps within a generation. However, to this day, there has been no consensus yet, over the extent to which income inequality is contend that the offspring of low-income and middle-income parents can largely grow up to manifest better problem-solving abilities during adulthood than their high-income family counterparts, thereby turning the tables socially and financially. Personally, I believe this is generally the case in any meritocratic society.   To begin with, children raised in households not in possession of a good fortune are conditioned early on in their lives to exercise self-control and self-restraint. These individuals learn from their infancy that not everything they crave will become theirs instantaneously. Every so often their wishes go beyond their parents' means and they have to come to terms with the resulting sense of frustration or rejection. Throughout the childhood and early adulthood years they are tempered by the repeated experiences of parents' denial of their requests and frugality is inculcated into their minds as a virtue. Consequently, these children, for the most part, are apt to interpret scrimping and saving, emotional uneasiness, not infrequent financial strains and menial first jobs as an integral part of life rather than a devastating ordeal. Hence they end up being better able to manage stress in their adult years and less likely to panic or get daunted when problems occur.   Further, children brought uo by parents of low or middle economic status often grow up to be physically, mentally and professionally more independent than children brought up by affluent parents. It is manifest that children whose parents are not particularly well-off are more likely than children of affluent households to know how to get the most out of a modest allowance, if they ever get such a thing at all. To the former group of children, most desirable things in life have to be "earned”一that is, more often than not they must put forth great effort before their desire is fulfilLED. Besides, busy, low or medium salaried parents translate into more autonomy and initiative on the children's part. This originally disadvantaged group becomes spontaneous and handy through crafting toys on their own, resourceful by cooking their own meals, tactful with coaxing their parents into buying them gifts, intelligent thanks to the absence of private tutors,savvy in doing summer jobs, and above all, unrelenting in pursuing their dreams.   To conclude, the chief determinant of individual's problem一solving skills is not the amount of money their parents can amass when they are little. Rather, hands-on experience in comprehending, analyzing, resolving, mitigating or circumventing problems is more essential to the cultivation of problem-solving abilities. Hence, I am convinced that families without great wealth are more advantageous to the development of individual caPACity to tackle problems.


  从同代人之间的收人差距来看,我们正生活在一个公认的“富人更富,穷人更穷”的时代。但是,对于两代人之间收人差别的程度,迄今都未达成一致看法。有些人认为,比起富裕家庭的同龄人来说,贫困和中等收人家庭的子女能成长得更决,他们在成年后体现出更强的解决困难的能力,从而在社会地位和经济实力上转败为胜。我个人深信,在一个任人唯才的社会中,这是一个常规。   首先,家境不是很好的孩子在人生初期就习惯了自控与自制。他们自婴儿时期起就明白并不是所有你渴望的东西都能立刻得到。他们的意愿时常超出家长的能力,于是不得不直面由此产生的失败感及遭到拒绝的感觉。这种磨炼贯穿了整个童年时代及成人初期:家长一次次地拒绝他们的请求,并将节俭作为一种美德反复向他们灌输。结果,多数时候这些孩子很容易将省吃俭用、情绪不安、常有的经济压力和低廉的第一份工作都看作生活中固有的部分,而非严酷的折磨,这使得他们在成年后能更善于克服压力,在出现问题时不易惊慌失措或止步不前。   此外,家境不好或一般的孩子长大后不论在身体上、精神上还是职业上都比富家的孩子要更独立。显然,他们比富人家的孩子更懂得怎样地利用零花钱(假如有幸得到的话)。对前者而言,大多数生活所需都只能是“挣”来的,也就是说,他们的需求只有在付出极大努力后才能得以满足。另外,家长的忙碌与低薪转化成了孩子更多的自主权和主动性。他们本是处于劣势的群体,但自己动手做玩具使他们变得自主而灵巧,自己动手做饭使他们富有行动力,设法说服家长买礼物使他们机敏圆滑,没有私人教师令他们变得聪慧,做暑期工使他们精明能干。而重要的是,他们能为梦想坚持不懈地努力。   综上所述,一个人是否善于解决难题,并不由其童年时父母挣钱的多少来决定。相反,培养他们解决问题能力的必要因素,是父母所留下的那些关于如何理解分析,如何解决、缓解或避免困境的经验。因此,我深信,不富裕的家庭环境更有利于发展一个人解决难题的能力。

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