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最后更新: 2022-07-03 01:42
浏览次数: 134
通知关于职业运动员收入的托福作文范文 详细说明

  Whether successful sports professionals, who are now regarded as celebritiesin many countries, should be paid more money than people who do other vitalprofessions is now discussed by an increasing number of people. Some people mayassert it is not fair, while others argue that it is natural. Personally, I take the side withthe latter view.   Those who think it is unfair may feel that high salaries should be given to peoplewho take other significant jobs such as doctors, lawyers, teachers and far as they are concerned, these people contribute considerably to the society,thus deserving being paid fat salaries. Another point they put is that many sportsencourage people to experience violence. Thus, people who are good at theseactivities should not be paid that much money for they set a bad example to others.   However, I hold the view that sports professionals should get a good pay. Tobegin with, salaries are, to a considerable degree, determined by the contributionpeople make to society. Sports starts, like other important people, benefit the societyin their own ways. Not only do they popularize sports among people, but they presentthe notion of power, courage and wisdom. Thus, sports stars' earning high salariesseems justified. What is more, many sports professionals' career life is short. Someof them are forced to retire when they are young. Earning high salaries ensures thatthey can live a good life when they retire. This is just the reward of their hard training,excellent performance and wonderful spirit during their career period. Last of all,sports starts often suffer from dangers and pressure from the media and the games such as football, basketball, and boxing are dangerous. People whoperform these sports activities are confronted with the danger of being injured per , as sports stars, they are forever living under the spotlight, having little salaries, in a sense, are compensations for this life.   To sum up, I do strongly believe that sports starts should earn high salaries, butat the same time, this trend also indicates that other professions are not as popular assports.


  如今,越来越多的人在讨论那些成功的职业运动员,那些在某些国家被当作名人看待的运动员的收入是否应该高于从事其它重要职业的人。有些人认为这不公平。而还有一些人觉得这也无可厚非。我个人比较倾向于第二种观点。   那些觉得这种分配不合理的人认为高收入人群应该是那些从事重要职业的人,如医生,律师、教师和科学家,在他们看来,这些人为社会做出了巨大贡献,他们收入高是当之无愧的。他们还认为许多运动项目会激发人们的暴力倾向,从事这些活动的人是不良榜样,因此不应该拿高薪。   但是,我认为职业运动员应该拿高薪。首先,薪水高低在很大程度上取决于一个人对社会贡献的大小。体育明星也和其他大人物一样为社会做出了他们的贡献。他们不但推动了群众体育运动的开展,还为我们展现了力量,勇气和智慧。所以,体育明星获得高收入是合理的。再有,一个运动员的职业生涯往往非常短暂,有些人在很年轻时就被迫退役了,高收入可以确保他们在退役后能过上舒适的生活。这正是对他们在职业生涯中刻苦训练,取得优异成绩,再现体育精神的一种回报。后,体育明星还要时常遭受危险和承受来自公众和媒体的压力。有些运动,如足球、棒球和拳击,是非常危险的运动,从事这些运动的运动员每天都有受伤的危险。同时,作为明星,他们永远生活在聚光下,几乎没有一点个人隐私。高薪在某种程度上可以弥补他们生活中的种种缺憾。   总之.我非常赞同体育明星拿高薪.同时,这种趋势也说明其它职业不像体育运动那样普及。
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