A: Hello, Mr. Jones. Please have a seat. Thank you for coming today. I have read your resume. You completed university in Britain? B: Yes, I went to Cambridge. After graduation, I started right away into the advertising industry. Later, I made a bit of a switch to focus on marketing research.
A: So, what experience do you have? B: I have ten years' marketing experience. This includes both entry level and management my last position, I worked my way up to being director of the Marketing Department.
A: I can see that from your resume. Your last position was Marketing Director for a pharmaceutical company, is that right? Later, why did you decide to leave your former post? B: I felt after five years in one place, I was ready for something new. I would like to have a job that is challenging, something that I can see and do new things every day. I loved many things about my former job, and I left with amiable feelings on both sides. I was just ready for something new.
A: I see. Do you want to work full-time or part-time? B: I would rather work full-time.
A: I'll make note of that. Now, what are your salary expectations? B: I am willing to negotiate, but I expect at least $40,000 a year. 英语基础能力偏弱的同学可以根据以下的翻译进行对比训练,基础较好的学员也不要松懈,看看你的理解和以下宁波美联英语为你提供的有关面试的英语小对话翻译是否有偏差吧。 A:你好,琼斯先生!请坐。谢谢你今天能来。你的简历我已看过。你在英国上的大学? B:是的,上的剑桥大学。毕业后,我就干起了广告工作,后来转向了市场调查。
A:那么,你都有什么工作经验? B:我做过10年市场营销工作,包括初级职位和管理职位,并在上一个岗位上通过自己的努力当上了市场部主任。
A:从简历上能看出来。你上一个职位是制药公司的市场部主任,对吧?那后来你为什么离职? B:我觉得在一个地方干上5年后,应该换个新工作了。我喜欢干挑战性的工作,喜欢每天看见新东西、做不同的工作。我很喜欢我以前的那份工作,而且我离开时双方都很愉快。我之所以离开是因为想尝试新事物。
A:我明白,那你想做专职还是兼职? B:我比较想做专职。
A:我记录一下,那么,你对工资的期望值是多少? B:我愿意商量一下,但是我希望每年至少有4万美元的收入。 以上就是宁波美联英语小编为你整理的有关面试的英语小对话,商务英语更多地是传授一种西方的企业管理理念、工作心理,如何和外国人打交道,如何和他们合作、工作的方式方法等等。需要参加商务英语辅导班的同学可以进入宁波美联英语首页进行查看咨询。