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最后更新: 2022-07-04 00:26
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总算知晓关于休学的雅思作文范文 详细说明

  KnowLEDge is power, wrote Francis Bacon long ago. Inevitably, for the sake of acquiring more valuable expertise, the majority of students are eager to be enrolled in a college as soon as possible, while others are determined to have a time off to work or travel before furthering their education.   There are definitely numerous benefits associated with a break before going to collage. As the saying goes, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Fierce academic comPETition has rendered poor students rather depressed and melancholy, and it is no exaggeration to say that the majority of college students suffer from more or less psychological illness. Consequently, having time to enjoy life for a while is highly , taking some practical jobs can help students accumulate precious working experience, and traveling to diverse places can greatly enlarge students' horizons, which will surely be beneficial to their future education and adult life.   The choice to work or travel, of course, contains potential threats. As the competition in the job market grows cut-throat, finishing higher education in time means exaltly more edge over other competitors in job-hunting. After all, the amount of relevant occupations is far from being infinite, so chances are that they will find it tougher to secure an ideal job after postponing the acquisition of academic qualifications. In addition to the meager percentage of job resources, some students are not so motivated to live on campus that their study efficiency is really low. As we know, compared with working or travelling, learning differs in the aspects that it requires sufficient patience and what stable mentality. If children get accustomed to the environment of job or travel,how can they concentrate on their studies?   Despite the fact that having a time break is advantageous to some degree, its dangers are more alarming. Less chances of succeeding in obtaining satisfactory jobs and the inability to be productive in knowledge acquisition justify the suggestion that students should be more cautious about delaying higher education, and learning knowledge as much as possible is more urgent for students.

  弗朗西斯·培根说过“知识就是力量”。为了获得更多宝贵的专业技能,大部分学生都渴望早日进人大学,然而有些人却决定先拿出一段时间参加工作或旅游。   毫无疑问,上大学前休学一段时间有很多优点。俗话说得好,一张一弛文武之道。激烈的学业竞争已经使学生感到压抑、忧郁。毫不夸张地说,大部分的大学生都患有不同程度的心理疾病。因此,放松一段时间是多么宝贵。进一步说,承担一些实际的工作有助于学生积累宝贵的工作经验,不同的旅游经历能够极大地开阔学生的视野,这些都有益于他们未来的教育和生活。   当然,无论工作或旅游都存在潜在的危险。随着职场竞争日趋激烈,及时完成高等教育定会在求职中获得先机。毕竟职位是有限的,如果推迟了获得学位的时间,学生会更难找到理想的工作。除了越来越少的就业机会之外,某些学生厌倦校园生活导致学习效率低下。众所周知,相比工作或旅游而言,学习更需要足够的耐心和平静的心态。如果孩子们习惯于工作环境或经常外出旅游,他们怎么可能专注于自己的学习呢?   尽管休学一段时间有一定的好处,然而,其引发的危险更加令人担忧。推迟人学会造成学生很难找到理想的工作、学习效率低下,我们对此应格外谨慎,毕竟对于学生来说.尽可能多地获取知识更加紧迫。

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联 系 人:张生(先生) 

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