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所在地: 湖北
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最后更新: 2022-07-04 02:00
浏览次数: 122
总算懂得关于场合的雅思口语模板 详细说明
  针对此类卡片题,考生需要介绍出是什么样的场合、有哪些人参加以及在这样的场合下人们都是怎样表现的。本着“合并卡片”的原则,考生可以将之运用到一个难忘的场合、一个产生积极影响的场合等卡片题的回答中。   真题实例
  Describe a situation when you had to be polite.   You should say:   when it happened   where it was   what you did   and explain why you had to be polite.   You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.   You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.   You can make some notes to help you if you wish.   回答范例
  It has been a timehonoured tradition in China that people should show their good manners or politeness in many situations, such as job interviews, visiting the elders, attending wedding ceremonies and other formal celebrations, etc. For me, the most impressive occasion when I showed good manners and politeness is a celebration for my grandma's 70th birthday. In China, there are several special ages which need to be particularly celebrated, like 18 which indicates an entry into the adulthood and 30 which means old enough to organise one's own family. 70 is an important age for elderly people. Since the celebration for my grandma's 70th birthday is an important family event, my aunties and uncles booked a table in a grand hotel. I knew it was necessary to dress formally and properly to attend such a situation, so I got the suit and tie ready the night before. The birthday party was held in the evening, so I had enough time to prepare a nice gift for my grandma. At 6 pm, the party started. All my family members took turns to propose a toast to wish my grandma happy and healthy. When it was my turn, I addressed a short and formal speech to express my love and gratitude to my grandma.

  ★timehonored tradition悠久的传统   ★entry into进入   ★organise one's own family组建某人自己的家庭   ★dress formally and properly穿着正式得体   ★suit and tie西装和领带   ★propose a toast敬   ★address a speech发表演讲   以上就是广州新航道为您整理的关于场合的雅思口语模板,对于想要提高雅思口语的同学来说,可以看看这些雅思口语模板,学习其中的答题方式和英语句子的使用,以及回答技巧,希望能够帮助到雅思考生们。

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企业级别:VIP [VIP第1年] 指数:2

联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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