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最后更新: 2022-07-04 03:22
浏览次数: 125
总算清楚关于老师在信息时代作用的雅思作文 详细说明

  Thanks to the boom of information technology, the rapidly increasing prevalence of computers in education has been rendering people tremendous benefits. Some people, therefore,claim that teachers' roles are not significant any more in the information age given the convenience and efficiency of the Internet in terms of information access. To my mind, this is a partial and misleading idea.   To begin with, teachers help define clear educational goals and discover more suitable methods for students in different learning stages. Without a strong sense of purpose, learners tend to easily get distracted and frustrated over the complex and mountainous arrays of data easily available through countless sources, which not only consume a lot of time and energy, but also undermine their confidence. By following through the informative and enjoyable activities specially designed by the teacher, students could take control of their learning and reap academic achievements as well as further enthusiasm.   In addition, the role of the teacher contributes to the analytical capability and communicative skills of the students, which are crucial elements for their future career development. Fostering problem solving abilities is definitely beyond the functions of the Internet or the computer.   Last but not least, as schools prepare students for citizenship in an age of information,teachers are even more irreplaceable in terms of the education of morality standard, professional ethics and personal integrity. The influence of a charismatic teacher could not be over-emphasized in shaping the character of students, which is more valuable than imparting knowLEDge itself and will continuously work as a paramount motivity for the children in their life time.   Admittedly, with the flexibility and efficiency furnished by the computer and the Internet, the education system has seen a dramatic change over the past decade. However, teachers will still wield a significant influence in streamlining the learning process, developing practical abilities, and helping accomplish educational goals for students.


  随着信息技术的发展,电脑在教育领域越来越广泛的应用给人们带来了巨大的好处。因此有些人指出,由于互联网在获取信息方面的便利与高效,使得老师在信息技术时代的作用不再那么重要了。在我看来,这种说法是有失全面并且容易误导的。   首先,教师可以为身处不同学习阶段的学生确立清晰的教育目标并找到更适合的学习方法。如果没有一个很强的目的性,学生往往会面对纷繁复杂、渠道多样、堆积如山的信息而迷失主题,感觉挫败。这种学习过程不仅耗时、费力,而且还会打击他们的学习信心。而通过全程参与老师特别规划过的信息量大并充满趣味的学习活动,学生在学习时采取主动,更容易取得学习成果和培养进一步学习的兴趣。   此外,教师的作用有利于培养学生分析问题的能力和交流技巧,这对于他们的未来职业发展是十分关键的。培养解决问题的能力,是电脑或互联网本身很难做到的。   后但很重要的一点,随着学校为信息时代不断培养合格公民,教师在培养学生道德标准、职业道德、正直诚信等方面的作用更加无法取代。一个充满人格魅力的教师会帮助塑造学生的品格,这一影响怎么强调都不过分,它比知识的传授更为重要,并将在学生日后的生涯中作为一个重要的驱动力不断鞭策学生前进。   诚然,受益于电脑和互联网带来的灵活性和高效率,教育体系在过去的十年里发生了显著变化;但是,教师将依然会在提高学习效率、培养实际能力和帮助学生实现教育目标方面发挥重要作用。
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