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所在地: 湖北
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最后更新: 2022-07-04 14:45
浏览次数: 110
总算明白关于邻里相处的雅思作文范文 详细说明

  In the past, it was common to walk next door and borrow sugar,salt, vegetables, batteries, or anything else. Neighbors met after work and discussed their days with one another, invited each other for dinner, and held parties to celebrate , today neighbors depend much less on each other than they once are more distant due to advances in technology and perhaps due to an increasing sense of distrust and cynicismamong people in the modern world.   Firstly, the proliferationof new technology in all aspects of our lives has seemed to create a growing distance between people, including neighbors. When even best friends or lovers would rather communicate through text messages,instant messages, and emails than sit down face to face with each other, the persons who live next door have little chance of becoming our close of spending time outdoors chatting with each other, many of my friends who I used to hang out with now spend more time in their homes, surfing the Internet, sittingin front of the television, or using WeChaton their cellphones. Since it is harder than before to stay connected with friends, ties with neighbors have become more of a rarity.   Perhaps the biggest reason neighbors no longer share the close relationships that they once did is that the world has become a much more dangerous place and people have become more cynical about interpersonal we turn on the TV or browse online for daily news,there are stories of break-ins and murders, the "quiet neighbor"who commits a major crime, and other awful tales that fill thegeneral public with fear and , in modem times, people are much more reluctant to become close to the strangers who live next door. Our societyhas become much more cautious, more waryof others than ever before. Because of this, a trusted neighbor has become more scarce and precious.   The world's view regarding neighbors has been are no longer acquainted and friendly with one another as they were in the past. As I have discussed, there are many reasons for this, such as developments in technology and new trends in entertainment,and distrust due to horror stories of crime all over the news.

  过去,到邻居家串,借糖、盐、蔬菜、电池或者别的东西都是司空见惯的事情。下班之后,邻居们会聚在一起聊生活中的事,邀请对方到家里吃晚餐,举行聚会庆祝节日。但如今,邻居间的依赖程度已经大不如前。邻居之间关系疏远,其原因在于科技的发展,亦或许在于现代社会中人与人之间不信任感的加剧。   首先,新技术在我们生活中的各个领域快速蔓延,使人与人之间的距离越来越远,其中就包括邻居之间的距离。即便是比较好的朋友或情侣们也宁愿通过短信、即时通讯工具和电子邮件来交流,而不愿意坐下来面对面沟通,那么邻居成为我们亲密朋友的可能性就更是微乎其微。许多过去常和我一起出去玩的朋友,现在多是宅在家里上网、看电视、玩手机微信,不再花时间出去聚谈了。和以前相比,如今的朋友之间都很难保持联系,邻居之间就更不会有多少联系了。   或许,邻居之间不再像从前那样保持紧密联系的大原因在于,这个世界已经变得更加危险,人们也就更不信任人际关系。不管什么时候打开电视或者上网浏览新闻,眼前都充斥着各种非法侵入案、谋杀案、之前“悄无声息”的邻居犯下的重大案件,以及其他可怕的事情,让人们充满不安,失去了对他人的信任。因此,现代人不愿意同住在隔壁的陌生人成为亲密的朋友。与过去相比,人们变得更加谨慎,对彼此的戒备心更强。正因如此,值得信任的邻居变得更加稀有、更加珍贵。   世人对邻居的看法已经发生了改变。邻居之间已经不再像从前那样熟稔而友好。如前所述,造成这一现象的原因是多方面的,比如,技术的发展和新的娱乐方式,以及对恐怖罪案铺天盖地的报道所导致的不信任感等。

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