考研英语的看图作文是重中之重,对于这种模式作文一定要有感觉,要注重语言的多变性。考研英语作文写作能力的提高是一个循序渐进的过程,因此,考试前几个月适当背一些实用看图作文范文 是有好处的,至少速度都要提高好多。下面是北京文都考研小编为您整理的关于网上购物承诺的考研英语看图作文范文。
What we can see in the picture is a young woman,whostands for the online dealers,is blowing a balloon with theword“commitment" on it,while a consumer shrinks at thesight of this giant balloon,fearing that it might ,this picture aims to criticize those dishonestonline businesses which induce people to buy products withempty promises.
Shopping on the Internet has become an ingredient ofour life thanks to the prevalence of the cybersPACe. Thesuperiority of online shopping is evident. People cancompare prices without walking from one shop to anotherand make decisions independent of salespeople's endlesspersuasion. They can just settle themselves in acomfortable chair, have a cup of tea,click the mouse,andthen everything is arranged. Nevertheless,sometimesshoppers find the products they receive are different fromthose shown on the computer screen;what's more,if goodsthey buy from the Internet are defective,it will be hard todemand a refund.
As this issue has drawn attention in a wide range .everyeffort is made to improve online shopping. It is good to knowthat most shops in the cyberspace are evaluated by acustomer appraisal system,so honesty has become a matterof self-interest for them. In addition,it is suggested thatonline shoppers be well-informed and cautious beforemaking buying decisions.
我们在图中可以看到一个代表网上商家的年轻女性正在吹气球,气球上写着“承诺”两个字。而一名消费者看到这个大气球却退缩了,因为他担心气球会爆炸。很明显,这幅图旨在批评那些用空头 承诺劝诱人们买东西的不诚实的网上商家。
由于虚拟网的普及,网上购物已成为我们生活的一个组成部分。网上购物的优点是显而易见的。人们不必一家店接一家店地跑就可以货比三家;不用听售货员喋喋不休的劝说就可以独立做出决定。他 们只需要坐在舒适的椅子上,喝喝茶,点点鼠标,就能搞定一切。但是,有时消费者发现他们拿到的产品和电脑屏幕上显示的并不一样,而且如果他们发现从网上买的商品有缺陷,也很难要求退款。
这个问题已经引起了广泛的关注,人们尽一切力量来改善网上购物。大部分网上商店都有了顾客评估体系,因此诚实成了和它们自身利益息息相关的事情,这是件好事。另外,建议消费者在决定买 东西之前,要充分了解产品信息,谨慎购买。