考研英语作文方面,适当地准备一些模板是有好处的,至少速度都要提高好多,写作能力的提高是一个循序渐进的过程,因此,考试前一两个月开始背一些实用作文范文,是很有必要的。但大小作文侧重 点各有不同,所以我们在考场上要注意,以免抓了芝麻丢了西瓜。下面是北京文都考研学校小编为您整理的关于地球环境污染的考研英语看图作文范文,让我们一起来学习吧。
The picture symbolically illustrates that the earth welive on is becoming more and more miserable and can see that the earth, which is undergoing environmental destruction. sandstorm. floods and drought. looks like aballoon and is on the verge of burst.
Nowadays environmental degradation is threatening ourlife. The frequency of disasters is increasing, and thenumber of people who died in such disasters as . earthquake. mudslide and exceptional diseases hasrisen sharply. As we all know. the prosperity of industryand economy arc the indications of human civilizationhowever. with the unprecedented development of humancivilization. the prosperity of industry and economy alsobrought about serious problems. Because of human'suncontrolLED urbanization. discharge of industrialpollutants. deforestation. overuse of pesticide. sootemissions- motor vehicle exhaust and so on. the earthsuffers from soil erosion. water and air pollution. white pollution and species distinction. etc.
In order to protect the earth and ourselves. it isimperative for us to take drastic actions. First of all, peopleshould realize the importance of environmental conservationand make concerted efforts to protect our . the authorities should adopt the policy ofsustainable development, putting prevention in the firstplace and integrating prevention with control. Thirdly thefactories should he equipped with devices which can preventthem from polluting our planet。