I do not agree that it is better to use our personal knowLEDge and experience to solve problems rather than asking other people for advice. Our individual knowledge and experience is always limited because it is impossible to know everything. Even Bill Gates, for example, does not know everything about software. When we ask other people for advice, we can overcome this limitation by combining their knowledge and experience with our own, and this makes a successful result more likely. If we do not ask others for advice, we actually limit the possibility of a successful solution. What is more, advice is free and there is nothing to lose and everything to gain from asking other people for their opinions. The worse outcome is we ignore the advice and nothing has changed, and the best outcome is we learn some new and useful knowledgethat helps us solve a problem. In fact, we only lose something when we do not ask for advice because we exclude new ideas. Progress comes from knowing and developing the ideas of others, or standing on the shoulders of giants, as Newton said. We can also learn from the mistakes of others without repeating the mistakes. We should stand on the shoulders of our friends and family when we face a problem so that we see further than we can see alone. Socrates, the philosopher, commented that a truly wise person is someone who recognizes how little he or she knows. As far as I am concerned, only an ignorant person does not ask others for advice when facing a problem because that person does not recognize his or her limitations. Everyone can teach us something new and that knowledge is power.
软件的所有知识。当向他人寻求帮助建议时,我们可以结合自己和他人的知识经验,克服自身的知识局限,这会增加成功的可能性。而不向他人寻求建议帮助,将会降低取得成功的可能性。 此外,建议是免费的,当我们询问他人建议时,我们只有获益,而不会损失什么。比较坏的结果是我们忽视这些建议,什么都没有改变。而比较好的结果是我们从中学到了有用的新知识并解决了问题。事实上,不寻求帮助才会有所损失,因为我们因此拒绝了获得新想法的机会。进步来源于了解和发展别人的想法,或者如牛顿所说的“站在巨人的肩膀上”。我们也可以吸取前车之鉴,避免错误的再次发生。 当面对问题时,我们需要站在朋友和家人的肩膀上以看得更远。哲学家苏格拉底曾说过,一个真正睿智的人了解自己知识的局限。因此我认为,只有无知的人才会在遇到问题时拒绝向他人寻求建议,因为他们不了解自身的局限性。所有人都能教与我们新知识,而这些知识就是力量。