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总算懂了关于上大学与参加工作的利弊的作文范文 详细说明

  While some people think that the best way to get prepared for future career is studying in acollege or university, there are others who hold that one should leave school as early as possible and develop his career through work experience. In this essay, I will discuss thetwo views from the following aspects.   Firstly, going to college is very useful. One needs to learn and acquire a lot of fundamental and theoretical knowLEDge that will prove to be of practical significance in his future career development. In this respect, a college education can well serve as a means to the end. It is not hard to reckon that the theoretical and fundamental knowledge one acquires at college will at least help broaden his vision and horizon and thus give him the edge overthose who have not done so.   Secondly, one's success, especially financial success, is not determined by whether or not he has been educated in college. It seems that work experience and opportunity play a more important role. I have quite a few friends who mere份managed to finish primary orjunior high school and went into business right away. Some of them struck rich in a few years and are now managing very large companies which employ over 1,000 workers, most of their employees being college graduates.   However, our society is undergoing fast development and changes, thus raising higher and higher requirements for knowledge. In this context, people's education levels gradually reveal their corresponding advantages and disadvantages. So far as employment is concerned,those who have received a college education naturally have more chances than those who have not. And in terms of the new models of achieving success, tremendous fortune is increasingly related to the trend of scientific and technological development, fully demonstrat-ing the value of going to college.   So, even though there are quite some success stories of people without a college education,we can assert from the development trend of the world that this will become rarer and rarer. Therefore, if one has the chance, it is more advisable for him to go to college.

  有人认为读大学是为将来的职业发展做准备的方式,也有人认为人们应该尽早离开学校并通过积累工作经验来发展事业。在本文中,我将从以下几个方面对这两种观点进行探讨。   首先,上大学很有用。一个人需要通过学习获得大量基础的理论知识,这些知识将在他日后的职业发展中发挥实际作用。在这一方面,大学教育完全可以作为达到此目的的一种手段。不难推断:一个人在大学里所获得的理论和纂础知识至少会有助于他开阔视野,从而使他比那些未读过大学的人更有优势。   第二,一个人的成功,尤其是金钱上的成功确实不是由是否读过大学而决定的。在这一方面,经验和机遇似乎发挥了更重要的作用。我有不少朋友,勉强小学或初中毕业,然后便马上开始经商了。几年后,他们中有些人发财了,现在经营着超过千人的大公司,而且员工中大学毕业生占据多数。   然而,社会在快速发展、变化,对知识的要求越来越高。在这一背景下,教育程度的高低便逐渐显现出相应的优势和劣势来了。从就业角度讲,读过大学的就是要比没有读过大学的有更多机会。从新的成功模式看,巨大的财富都是越来越与科学技术发展的趋势相联系的。这也充分体现了上大学的价值。   由此可见,现实生活中虽然不乏没读大学而取得成功的例子,但是,我们可以从世界发展的趋势断言:这种情况将越来越少见了,因此如果有条件,还是读大学为好。

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